Getting Started

Schedule Information

In the syllabus, you will see how the different sections of the course have different meeting times. The 1 hour 15-minute meeting time is lecture. On your Banner schedule you will have the same meeting time listed twice for lecture (Sections 1-12 T/R 12:30 and Sections 13-24 T/R 3:30). This is due to the large auditorium that our lecture is in. The lecture hall can be separated into two rooms, each listed with a different room number (1030 and 1050) or the partition can be lifted to make one large room. Our lecture will be held in the combined large room, therefore, both rooms are listed for your lecture. Choose either Old Main 1030 or Old Main 1050 to enter and you will be in the correct place.

The 50-minute meeting time listed on your Banner schedule is for recitation. This is a one-hour mandatory weekly meeting. Each section has their own meeting room, day, and time. These are listed on your Banner schedule as well as the syllabus. Please note that recitation will begin this week on Thursday, August 17th. Students that meet on Thursday will go to recitation, students who have a section on another day will begin next week (there are no Friday recitations).

The 1 hour 25-minute meeting time (Tuesday) on your banner schedule is the exam time. We will only meet for this on scheduled exam nights (3 times throughout the entire semester). Please note that this is only for regular in-class exams, the final exam has its own meeting location and time, as set by the university (check syllabus).

Required Class Materials

As was discussed in the syllabus, the CH 1213 Coursebook is required for this course. It contains your homework assignments. You should purchase this book prior to your first lecture meeting. If you are not able to, that will be fine, but you should purchase it as soon as possible. The first homework assignment will be due August 27.

In addition to your CH 1213 Coursebook, we will use Campusknot ( for class participation. CampusKnot counts for your participation grade (5%). Every week, you are responsible for participating in knowledge checks by answering polls in lecture. These are designed to gauge your understanding of the topics covered in class. Polls will enable me to assess the class’s comprehension and tailor the teaching approach to your needs.

Also, you will have access to Feed posts in and out of class.This is your chance to share your thoughts, ask questions, and contribute to the academic discourse.

IMPORTANT: When you create an account, please make sure you access CampusKnot through a web browser on your laptop, iPad, or tablet. In-app sign-ups are not allowed.

Step 1: Create an account

  • To create an account, use your school email address. You’ll not be able to create an account with the following email extensions (@gmail, @outlook, @live, @icloud, etc.).
  • When creating an account, select the ‘student option.’ Follow these steps to create a CampusKnot account

Step 2: Subscription

This semester CampusKnot is offering a free trial to all Mississippi State University students starting on 8/7/2023 and ending on 8/30/2023.

  • Bulldog Bundle users: If you’re enrolled in the Bulldog Bundle program through your campus bookstore, there are no further steps for you to take other than creating an account/log-in in.
  • Non-Bulldog Bundle users: If you opted out of the Bulldog Bundle program, you’d see a subscription page starting on 8/30/2023. To purchase a subscription during or after your free trial, follow these steps.

Step 3: Download the mobile application

Once you’ve created and verified your account and selected a subscription, please download the CampusKnot mobile application. Should you require assistance with CampusKnot, please don’t email me. Contact the CampusKnot team directly at